As well as it being the right thing to do, disability inclusion is also driven by business and law. Let’s take a look at how it fits together.
Business Sense
Research confirms that inclusive organisations enjoy employee and customer loyalty, high satisfaction levels and improved reputations. There are financial benefits too. BBC News reports, “In the UK, it is thought some seven million people of working age have a disability, which all adds up to an awful lot of spending power. This is known as the ‘purple pound’ and is reckoned to be worth £249 billion to the economy."

Legal requirement
Under the Equality Act 2010, disability is one of the 9 ‘Protected Characteristics’, which means organisations have a legal duty to make reasonable adjustments and not to discriminate against disabled people. The Equality Act defines disability as ‘a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day to day activities’. Failure to comply with the Equality Act could result in a costly court case, a damaged organisation and individual distress.

It’s the right thing to do
To support your personal approach to disability, it’s helpful to understand the Social Model of disability which encompasses disabled people, people with long term health conditions, people with mental illness and neurodivergent individuals. Under the Social Model, disability inclusion means;
- Society changes to include the person.
- Focus on what the person can do, what’s right with the person.
- If you’re unsure, ask the disabled person.
- Accept and celebrate disabled people.
- Disabled people should be given rights.

We offer several course options in this area available throughout the UK either as face to face courses or virtually. Contact us for details or book a call with us.