Webiste by: Amphaus

Resources & Guides

Supporting your blind and partially sighted customers

3 minutes
3 minutes
In the UK more than 2 million people have sight loss which is severe enough to impact on their daily lives. 1 in 5 people will live with sight loss in their lifetime. (RNIB 2021). Supporting your blind and partially sighted customers might mean helping them to make sense of the environment, making information accessible or simply having a friendly chat.
Partially sighted man, wearing glasses and using a mobile phone by lifting it up close to his face.

Describe the space

"To help me understand a new environment, please describe the space e.g. furnishings, obstacles and other people present. Let me know when you are leaving the room and if anyone else has come in. Remove or give warning of any trip hazards."

  • If you are involved in making changes to the working environment consider contrasting colours and surfaces to help someone navigate their surroundings and spot potential hazards. Light is important as natural/fluorescent light affects colours in different ways and may create glare.
Person wearing headphones and dark glasses sat at a computer and reading Braille

Don't assume, just ask

"Always ask me how I prefer to receive information. Don’t make assumptions about what I need.  Be aware of the alternative formats you have available e.g. large print, audio or braille and know where to get them from.  I use lots of assistive technology too so feel free to offer me texts and emails etc."

  • How large is large print?  RNIB say font size 16 to 22 but really it is as large as the person needs it to be – so ASK!


If you see somebody with a sight problem who you think may need help, introduce yourself first, ask if you can help and then how you can help. Don’t assume everyone will want your help.  Some people will want it more than others.

We offer several course options on this topic and can mix and match with other areas of disability. Courses are available throughout the UK either as face to face courses or virtually. Contact us for details or book a call with us.

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