17.3% of Higher Education students report a disability of some kind. The numbers have risen dramatically (by 47%) over the past decade. Of course, many of those disabled students will move into employment and continuous professional development.
What lens are you looking through?
- Legal: The Equality Act 2010 gives disabled students and employees a legal right to fair treatment and no discrimination. Failure to make reasonable adjustments may result in legal action.
- Organisation: Many organisations are committed to their EDI agenda. Making your learning accessible helps to bring values and policies alive.
- Morals: It’s the right thing to do to make changes to meet needs. Do you want to set up your learners for success?

How can you make your learning accessible?
4 things you can do before a learning session:
1. Show your intent
- Represent disability via your marketing channels.
- Make it clear in all course information that access needs are considered and give examples.
2. Ask
- At sign up, ask about any access needs or preferences. (Don’t always rely on the first answer.)
- Check with the person to clarify their needs.
3. Share
- If agreed, update the system or update colleagues, so the person doesn’t have to keep explaining access needs to different people.
4. Prepare for non-disclosure
- Create materials as inclusive as possible eg font sizes/colours
- Set up your space to be as accessible as possible.
3 ways to build trust with disabled learners during your session
1. Talk about accessibility
- Routinely ask if anyone has access needs.
- Ask specific questions e.g changes to lighting, heating, position, chair.
- Offer accessible options on activities.
2. Spotlight accessibility
- Vary materials and show what accessible materials look like.
- Use representation in your case studies e.g. disability organisations, or disabled individuals.
3. Humans not heroes
- Praise for good performance not just for turning up.
- Don’t put individuals on the spot or single them out.
2 things to do after your session to improve access and inclusion
1. Reflect
- Gain feedback from disabled individuals on what you did well at and what you can do better at.
- Use the feedback to inform what you stop, start or continue to do.
2. Repeat the good stuff
- Create processes to enable sharing of knowledge and skills.
- Share your knowledge and skills so others can learn from you.
- Make it easy for other tutors to access the good practice.
1 thing you can do
Over to you……. you have the power to make the change someone needs.
We can deliver an interactive session for your tutors / teachers / facilitators to support them to deliver accessible and inclusive learning. Courses are available throughout the UK either as face to face courses or virtually. Contact us for details or book a call with us.