Here’s our top 5 tips and examples:

1. Talk about it
"In our weekly team talks we discuss equality issues that are in the news – this normalises the topic and we can link everyday news into our workplace values. We also use our meetings to identify any processes which might exclude certain groups of people."
2. Be Proactive
"It’s normal for us to make changes to meet our customers’ needs. We ask questions to increase our knowledge, understanding and skills. We are proactive in supporting customers who experience inequalities. Between ourselves, we have a bias jar and call out bias where we see it. It’s great fun going through the little notes every now and then. It makes you think."

3. Link EDI to everyday events
"We use existing events to tag on additional EDI elements eg when we did the prostate cancer tests we had information on men’s mental health too. We’ve also recently put up an ‘inclusion calendar’ in the office so we can see when religious holidays are and that’s got people talking about religion a lot more."
4. Be Yourself
"I am myself at work and very open with colleagues. I recently wrote a blog for our intranet about my culture and religion. It’s important to share skills, expertise and experiences at work."

5. Prioritise Inclusion
"I am mindful when I am recruiting that representation matters. I send our new starters a ‘welcome to your new job card’ to help them feel included. When I organise training, I always ask my team if they need any adjustments making."
We offer several course options in this area available throughout the UK either as face to face courses or virtually. Contact us for details or book a call with us.