Webiste by: Amphaus

HearFirst Case Study

The Casey Companies

Who was the training for?

Senior Leadership Team (SLT)

Goals before the training

Casey’s have a Key Theme of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) and wanted to keep abreast of change and current best practice. A ‘visible and felt’ commitment from the top was a priority.

What did the training cover?

Legal, business and moral aspects of EDI from the perspective of the SLT were packaged into a bespoke session.  Relatable and impactful course material was hand-picked,  demonstrating real EDI risks, opportunities, and approaches. An array of facilitation techniques was used to keep the group’s busy minds fully engaged.

Outcome of the training

"We are discussing and referencing EDI in our conversations and decisions, not because we have to, but because we want to and it's the right this to do."

Added value & impact as a result of the training?

"The training delivered exceeded our expectations. We do a lot of training here at Casey and this was noticeably one of most interactive and best of courses."

HearFirst has been our preferred partner for EDI training and support over the past 12 years. We say partner as we consider HearFirst to be part of our wider Team and success, which has added value to our knowledge, service delivery and culture.

Paul Turner
Health and Safety Director

Additional client feedback

Working with Julie is a delight.


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