Webiste by: Amphaus

HearFirst Case Study

Glasgow Film Theatre

Who was the training for?

Mix of staff and volunteers.

Goals before the training

Update and refresh deaf awareness knowledge and basic British Sign Language skills for new and existing team members.

What did the training cover?


  • What does ‘D/deaf’ mean and how many people does it affect?
  • Communication methods and preferences.
  • What support is there?  (Technology and Human!)


  • Learn how to be a clear speaker
  • Learn some basic BSL (alphabet and cinema related signs)


  • What could go wrong for you and how to put it right
  • Practicing what you’ve learnt
  • Any questions about deafness and BSL

Outcome of the training

"Staff and Volunteers gained key skills in BSL singing which they could apply in their customer facing roles. The also gained a greater understanding of the D/deaf and hard of hearing experience in terms of communicating when visiting places like Cinemas."

Added value & impact as a result of the training?

"More confident and skilled staff members which allows us to do Glasgow Film Theatre's key job and provide 'Cinema for All'

HearFirst's training was incredibly informative, beneficial and accessible.

Nicola Scott
Community Engagement Co-ordinator

Additional client feedback

Julie Ryder was an exceptional trainer; people who attended not only learnt a great deal but found the training fun!


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