Webiste by: Amphaus

HearFirst Case Study


Who was the training for?

Front line colleagues at ForHousing who wanted to enhance their communication skills.

Goals before the training

ForHousing manages more than 24,000 homes across the North West. Everything they do aims to positively impact the lives of their social housing tenants. The training supported them in their aim to deliver customer focused, equitable and efficient services to all tenants. 

What did the training cover?

The training supported front line colleagues to gain knowledge, skills and confidence to have a basic conversation with a deaf BSL user.  

  • Fingerspelling alphabet
  • How to introduce yourself and ask someone’s name
  • Meet and greet signs
  • Asking questions
  • Clarifying e.g. slow down, I sign a bit
  • What is BSL and who uses it
  • What’s the impact on using BSL as a first language
  • History of BSL

Outcome of the training

Feedback showed everyone rated the event as very good or excellent and comments demonstrated a marked increase in skills, knowledge and confidence:  

  • 'I feel more confident interacting with deaf people.'
  • 'I will be able to use basic sign language when required which is great.'
  • 'I am going to try and use my new skills.'
  • 'I have more knowledge.'
  • 'It was really informative and something I can use with families with hearing impairment.'
  • 'When I come across a customer with hearing loss or deafness i will be able to communicate a little and this will be huge.'

The training being able to be bespoke to include housing specific signs makes it relevant and useful. Colleagues can communicate better with tenants, being more inclusive and creating a better experience.

Ruth Prest
Learning and Organisational Development Advisor


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