Webiste by: Amphaus

HearFirst Case Study

Community Arts North West

Who was the training for?

CAN Team and Board Members.

Goals before the training

To work towards creating a limitless space for Deaf and Disabled people at Community Arts North West.

What did the training cover?

  1. The social v medical model of disability
  2. Access requirements and reasonable adjustment
  3. Barriers to employment and engagement
  4. The politics of language
  5. Recruitment practices
  6. Disability friendly employment and creating a disability friendly organisational culture
  7. Working with participants: making our work more accessible

Outcome of the training

  • “We’ve made changes to our website to make it more accessible and clarified our office accessibility for visitors.”
  • “We will use what we discussed in the training in all future recruitment.”
  • AN’s EDI Policy has also been updated, which has been really helpful.”

It was brilliant, Julie is an excellent trainer!

Faye Salisbury
Executive Director


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