Webiste by: Amphaus

HearFirst Case Study

Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals (CIPP)

Who was the training for?

Stacey and her colleagues/team.

Goals before the training

Stacey’s hearing recently deteriorated and colleagues were forgetting she couldn’t hear words or work as she’d always done.  She wanted her colleagues to be more knowledgeable and mindful of the additional barriers she was facing and what they could do to improve their communication skills.

What did the training cover?

After liaising with Stacey, a tailored training course was created covering both general and ‘Stacey’ specific deaf/communication awareness.  Relaxed, interactive experiences for the team included learning fingerspelling, clear speech and listening to what deafness can sound like. Opportunities to discuss potential issues and solutions were built into the course.

Outcome of the training

"My colleagues have taken hearing loss on board and incorporated what they have learnt to their roles. They have shown a greater understanding and acceptance of my hearing loss. The way they communicate with me has improved and allowances have been made to ensure I can hear and understand what is being said and they are patient when I can’t. Most importantly they enjoyed the course. The content, visual aids and videos really helped them appreciate hearing loss."

Added value & impact as a result of the training?

"Disability awareness is being included on event programmes and there is an enhanced appreciation of members/students/delegates with hidden disabilities. I also feel more confident in the workplace. I was never embarrassed about my hearing loss but it did affect my confidence when engaging in conversations or online calls with colleagues. Now I’m more confident to join meetings and ask if I have misunderstood or not heard parts of the conversation."

Excellent training in a safe environment allowing everyone to be at ease and learn about disabilities in a relaxed and fun way.

Stacey Graham
Business Support Manager


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