Webiste by: Amphaus

HearFirst Case Study

Bucks New University Students' Union

Who was the training for?

Bucks New University Students.

Goals before the training

Bucks Students' Union (SU) is one of the best in the UK. They wanted to enable students to build key skills for their CVs and ultimately make them more employable. They were keen to offer British Sign Language specifically as they have a British Sign Language Society set up at Bucks Students’ Union. The course needed to enable existing society members to keep building skills but also making it accessible to students who hadn’t attended previous sessions.

What did the training cover?

The course included core information about Deaf Awareness and British Sign Language with add on topics relating to the students' areas of work.  Conversational skills were developed over the six sessions. All sessions were interactive and included fun elements too  e.g. sign bingo, sign songs or using fun props to support learning.

Outcome of the training

"Students have built up a great foundational knowledge of British Sign Language and have really engaged with the training and developed their skills in using British Sign language. They have have had time to develop their skills over the course of the year rather than attending one stand alone session."

Added value & impact as a result of the training?

"The students love the sessions! They have described them as fun, informative and developing their skills at a great pace with a broad range of subjects covered."

Brilliant training offered at a great price, with an excellent trainer!

Emily West
Training and Development Coordinator

Additional client feedback

From Year 2 Mental Health Nursing Student. 'I enjoyed all the learning. It was all interesting and useful.  I hope to be able to use this with my patients.


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